Hi everyone,
It’s been a while! I’ve been busy finishing the manuscript of my first romance novel. I’m going to start querying literary agents in January and will hopefully have more to share in early 2023.
Before we totally unplug for the holidays, I wanted to let you know what I’m working on for January stories. Also want to note that I book my article topics very early, so typically, my January stories are planned by the end of December. If you wait until January to pitch me a January angle, chances are I’m already at my limit.
That said, here’s what I’m looking to write in January:
Stories around how we’re already amazing and should celebrate ourselves instead of making resolutions
Pet content geared for new puppy owners (I’m getting a new puppy this week!)
Incredible stories of people who have overcome trauma, accidents, dealing with something major. These should have a health or parenting angle.
Read my stories on Insider and my stories on LittleThings for examples.
Pitch me at Joelle@joellesperanza.com and put SUBSTACK in the subject line.
Wishing you all a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season!
THE STORY SELLER (calls for expert sources for stories and I am writing and links to published stories)
Blog and Books: www.joellesperanza.com
Instagram: @thejoellesperanza